Varsity Girls Volleyball

Welcome to the 2023 Varsity Girls Volleyball season at Kootenai Thunder!

Coaches: Elizabeth Knight, Caleb Chersin, Tracy Jensen.

We are now accepting new players for fall of 2024! So if you have a passion for Volleyball and a desire to develop your skills in a nurturing Christian environment, be sure to sign up now! Join us for a season of growth, teamwork, and the joy of the game.

1st Place 2023!

Our Kootenai Thunder Varsity Girls took 1st Place this year! Congratulations!!

Stay connected with us by Clicking Here to access the complete calendar, ensuring you’re up-to-date on all the games and events. You can also follow us on Facebook for real-time updates.

For our standings in the league and game scores go to Mountain Christian League Website

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